
Safespace Presentation & Promo video

In collaboration with my CS4240 (Interaction Design for Augmented/Virtual Reality) team mates Arthur Lee, Darren Sim and Jaron Chan, we developed a VR Mental Health simulator and meditation guide that aims to bring a greater level of awareness and understanding of anxiety disorders through two main gameplay modes using Unity3D.

safespace02 We got 2nd place in Interaction Design for Virtual and Augmented Reality out of 39 teams at the 16th eSTePS 2020.

We made use of the HTC Vive Pro Eye for its advanced eye-tracking technology which was used to navigate our user interface through gazing at the buttons.


Scenario played during the anxiety simulator

What I have contributed to this project is that I have programmed the game event sequence, animation and panel transitions. I also worked on Environment Design & Lighting for meditation scenes.

Not only that, I have programmed audio controls and volume controls which users can select or change audio at will during gameplay to improve user experience.

Lastly, I handled product presentation and promotion by editing promotional video.


Players can choose the environment to meditate in


Meditation scene

For more details about the project on the STePs website, check it out here!